Tooba NaveedYOU ARE MY HAPPY ENDING.It is always hard to say goodbye with a big smile, emotional heart, and tears in eyes this is one of the most amazing journeys I ever…Feb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
Tooba NaveedProblem Solving:I have learned so many helpful topics in order to analyze myself and my previous experiencesFeb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
Tooba NaveedSECOND MEGA PROJECT BLOG:Book Aid is a platform that we have organized for all students to exchange their books or donate them to the needy ones. We are…Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Tooba NaveedOUR IDEABooks help Peoples make sense of the world around them, impart morals and values to them, and teach the difference between right and wrong…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Tooba NaveedPOMODOROPomodoro Technique? I don’t know anything regarding this technique… I couldn’t even hear anyone after reading about this I realized this…Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021
Tooba NaveedBook gives plenty of joy.When students read different types of books on various subjects they can learn new words also relate any character life and get the…Dec 25, 2020Dec 25, 2020
Tooba NaveedTOOBA NAVEED“Cleaning and Organization is a Practice not a Project”Dec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020